Monday, February 1, 2016

PFB Events: Sarah Kay, 19 February 2016

Please join us at PFB Main Street on Friday 19 February, 7-9pm, for a special performance by American spoken word superstar Sarah Kay.

Main Street's front room fits over a hundred people without difficulty, as we learned from Eileen Myles' November visit to the shop, but seating is limited; if you would like a seat or have difficulty standing, please plan to arrive between 6-630pm.

We will have copies of Kay's B and The Type available for sale, even though The Type's release date is technically March 1st.

Many thanks to Hachette Books for organizing this event and getting rush copies of The Type to us!

PFB Events: Kayla Czaga, Ali Blythe, Arleen Pare, 18 February 2016

PFB [upon learning, first hand, that Kayla Czaga's For Your Safety Please Hold On is pretty terrific]: Hey KC!  We should totally do an event with you!

KC: Sure, but it shouldn't just be me.  I'd like to bring some friends along!

PFB: Just let me know when and who; Main Street's front room is at your disposal.

[Six months pass]

KC: Okay, the lineup is me, Ali Blythe and Arleen Pare, on Thursday 18 Feb, from 7-9pm!

PFB: Excellent!  Crowd virtually guaranteed.

PFB Events: Rebecca Solnit, 17 February 2016

Thrilled to announce we'll be attending Rebecca Solnit's EMMA Talk on Wednesday 17 February from 7-9pm at SFU Woodwards, along with all of her in-print publications.  The event has been sold out for a few months now, but there will probably be at least a few rush tickets available at the door.

Rebecca Solnit is one of the very first authors we carried when we started adding new books to inventory a decade ago, & we're looking forward to finally meeting her in person.  If you attend, drop by the sales table and say, "Hi!"