First up, we have five pages of BOOM! Studios's 24-issue serialization of Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? This is not an adaptation, but rather the entire text of the short story laid out over comic book pages. They even kept the "he said/she said" bits.
Each issue will feature essays by various writers on how PKD influenced their own work. The first issue will feature cranky Warren Ellis, and then Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, and Farscape creator Rockne O'Bannon.
Click here for the preview pages as well as a bit more info about the project.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? #1 of 24 ships in June.

On the other end of the genre spectrum, Canadian comic artist Darwyn Cooke is adapting the Richard Stark (who we all know is Donald Westlake, right?) Parker series into graphic novels for IDW Publishing. First up is The Hunter.
IDW Publishing has posted 19 pages for your pre-appreciation here.
The Hunter is on sale in July.
Both of these fine adaptations will be available for purchase from better comic book stores in your area. For those of you in Vancouver, two such awesome stores are:
RX Comics, 2418 Main Street, 604.454.5099, Pulpfiction's Main Street neighbour
Elfsar Comics, 1007 Hamilton Street (in Yaletown), 604.688.5922
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I also work at Elfsar, and am a large part of what makes it so awesome. -J.N.)