A client requests, and I warily supply, a list of my all-time top ten favorite novels. Your mileage may vary.
1. Paul Bowles, Let It Come Down (1952)
2. Don Carpenter, Hard Rain Falling (1966)
3. M. John Harrison, Light (2001)
4. Russell Hoban, Turtle Diary (1975)
5. Denis Johnson, Fiskadoro (1985)
6. Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary, tr. Lydia Davis (1857 / 2011)
7. Cormac McCarthy, Suttree (1979)
8. Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, tr. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky (1877 / 2000)
9. Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle (1962) or A Scanner Darkly (1977)
10. Pete Dexter, God's Pocket (1983)