Please join Nomados Literary Publishers as we launch four new books: Sonnets : Louise Labé by Edward Byrne; Lever by Stephen Collis; Twenty Objects for the New World by Alex Leslie; and that stays news by Nikki Reimer. Readings by the authors and a mystery guest.
Saturday November 19 at Pulpfiction Books 2422 Main, 7-9 pm. Light refreshments. FREE.
Associated with the Kootenay School of Writing, Edward Byrne is the author of Aporia and Beautiful Lies. He is also the co-editor of The Recovery of the Public World: Essays on Poetics in Honour of Robin Blaser.
Stephen Collis' most recent book of poetry, On the Material, won the 2011 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize. He is currently writing a book about change.
Alex Leslie's collection of short stories People Who Disappear will be published by Freehand Books in April. Winner of a CBC Literary Award and a Gold National Magazine Award, she has published in literary journals throughout Canada.
Nikki Reimer's book [sic] was shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert award. Her chapbooks include haute action material and fist things first, and her work has appeared in The Capilano Review, Dandelion, Poetry is Dead, West Coast Line, Matrix, PRISM, and other magazines. She is currently Managing Editor
of EVENT magazine.