I preferred the old dumb phone because
19 hours ago
Book world news from Pulpfiction Books, 2422 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Updated as time permits. Correspondence to pulpbook@gmail.com, or visit us at pulpfictionbooksvancouver.com
It seems that gaming giant EA, (that's Electronic Anti-Christ for those of you church folk) has angered the religious denizens of LA with its sinfully spectacular title, Dante's Inferno. The 'Go to Hell' tagline seems to the main focus of debate, with angry protesters warning ignorant gamers to steer clear of the title, regarding it as 'tainted' and 'evil.'Dante's Inferno Official Game Site
"We are on a crusade to stop the blasphemous glorification of HELL and its minions as presented by Dante's Inferno. The ever decaying youth and slovenly adults who engage with Dante's Inferno are a victim of our society's pointless need to flirt with Satan and his lustful campaign to corrupt human souls...We say NO. We say inferNO."